Travel Time Measurement

Measure real-time traffic flow and connect to VMS to provide live travel information to road users.

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Easy to deploy Bluetooth and Wi-Fi-enabled travel time information system. Cloud connectivity allows remote monitoring and analysis with the ability to display current travel time on compatible Variable Message Signs.

Where to use

Ramudden Digital AIS can be deployed in most locations to measure traffic flow. The system’s small footprint and solar option make it quick to install and ensure it can be operated for long periods of time without maintenance.

Business benefits

  • Provides real-time traffic flow information to validate signal coordination and timing changes (i.e. signals).
  • Ability to connect to nearly portable Variable Message Signs creates an instant travel advisory system which keeps road users informed.
  • Detects congestion, which can help catch breakdowns and accidents quickly.

Key features

  • Cloud connectivity with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi transceivers on board allows for maximum device detection capabilities.
  • A modular system which can be installed as a standalone unit or in existing cabinets.
  • GUI mapping to rapidly set up routes, with API connections to third party systems.
  • Solar option to provide autonomy where there is no permanent power source.
Equipment availability UK EU US/Canada APAC
PSA-01 (866MHz)    
PSA-02 (4G 915 MHz)    

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